Saturday, March 07, 2009

Opera Night at Bethesda's Sorrento Trattoria - A Fantastic Reason to Get Dressed for Dinner

Last Sunday night, I treated myself to a fabulous dinner and performance at Sorrento Trattoria in Bethesda. It was an evening not to be missed.

I was a little nervous about driving to Bethesda with the warning for several inches of snow, but the weather held off until my ride back to Virginia. I cannot say how fabulous my experience was and I thought how beautifully the night would have fit into a romantic adventure or a sweet treat for you and a couple of girlfriends. It reminded me of how much fun going out to dinner can be. Think of old Hollywood movies and the sweet aroma of really good, homestyle Italian and you will be on the right track for the evening.

Dolled up in a fabulous cocktail dress, I and the rest of the intimate dining room were serenaded with beautifully rendered, classic selections from La Boehme and The Marriage of Figaro with sprinklings of well-known Broadway favorites all while I sighed to a seriously luscious combination of ricotta, basil and meltingly fresh pasta and the seared shrimp salad with fava beans and roasted vegetables was a tasty start to a leisurely meal.

The time passed more quickly than I had noticed and the experience was a delight to the senses. Come hungry and expect to linger while being pampered and pleasured. Plan to spend a couple of hours at the once monthly dinner and call early as seats for the First Sunday performance fill quickly. I know that one seat will be mine.

To join me or to learn more visit, and let them know that you found them through Teia at Capitol Moms.